Rose: Webcasting

Station Rose: Recording of Live Webcast (19 March 2003)
Station Rose interview
Webcasting is
one of the most important techniques for Station Rose (STR) at the
moment, to create media art, in particular "web art".
Webcasting means that images and sound are broadcasted in real time
from our studio to the Internet.
Station Rose started their webcasting with a contribution to an
exhibition in Berlin in January 1999. In the meantime 159 programs
have been broadcasted in real time at
www.stationrose.com. In
2000 we issued a book on the theme Webcasting titled "private://public".
We will concentrate
our "Playing Field" project on audiovisual sessions, actually
entailing music by Gary Danner & visuals by Elisa Rose, creating
and editing, cutting and pasting, using MIDI and sequencer live.
These audio-visual compositions first come into realtime existence
only when STReamed to the internet, during the Webcasting, as a
Parts of the broadcasted production can be reused by Station Rose
later during performances, in form of re-edits for TV productions,
art objects, books, DVDs or audio CDs and vinyls.
Right now were
extending the STReaming- techniques with videoconferencing, and
with live connections to other streamers. Which means that STReams
go out into the net and others come back and are integrated in realtime.
The first step into this direction was made at the media conference
"9.11. Netzwerke" in Frankfurt.
Station Rose/STR has been founded in 1988 by Elisa Rose (Visuals)
and Gary Danner (Sound) in Wien/A as a public multimedia lab, after
they left the University of Applied Arts in Vienna with a diploma.
From the beginning the spectrum of STR-activities reached from CD-,
Vinyl- und CD ROM productions, art production, research on virtual
realities and the organisation of symposia, to public readings and
performances in galeries, museums and in the underground scene.
In 1988/89 STR did multimedia field research for 8 months in Cairo/Egypt,
as a post graduate project. The first STR Technoevent happened in
Vienna in 1989 ("Gunafa Clubbing"). In 1991 Station Rose
moved to Frankfurt am Main, and went on-line at the same time. Gunafa
Clubbing was the first audiovisual Technoevent which connected the
clubscene with the Internet in 1992.
Nowadays Station
Rose STReams on a regular base at www.stationrose.com.
STR has performed
as a multimedia band at
Ars Electronica,
at Steirischen Herbst,
in Museum Ludwig/Köln,
Cyberthon/San Francisco,
Nature One,
le Batofar/Paris,
MAK Wien,
Kunsthalle Schirn/Frankfurt,
KUB, ICA London etc.
Most important
"Virtuelle Realität als neuer Grenzbereich - Research
for the Austrian Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung"
CD ROM 1992;
"15 Years of Ars Electronica" CD ROM 1994;
"1st Decade - Das Buch" edition selene 1998;
"Playing Now" Audio CD 1999;
"AU CIEL" Audio CD 2000;
"Live @home 1- 4" Maxisingles 1999/2002;
"private://public" edition selene 2000.
STR has released
audiovisual products on Mille Plateaux, Gigolo, Play it again Sam,
Sony Music, Crippled Dick, Hot Wax, Gunafa and other labels.
Station Rose lives
& works in Cyberspace & Frankfurt am Main.
In 2002 STR curated the media symposium "9.11. Netzwerke"
at Mousonturm, Frankfurt.