- A new environment for media players -
Playing Field invites artists and groups of students in The Netherlands,
Germany and Spain to create new artistic streaming content specially
made for the Internet. It also challenges them to make new players
in which this content runs.
One of the current disadvantages of live and on-demand streaming media
on the Internet (video / audio) is the confined space in which streaming
media applications run. Often this is not more than a linear interpolation
of current video and television formats in existence. This is emphasised
by the media player, which often is no more than a representation
of a television only with low quality imagery and sound. This confinement
is a restriction for creating and investigating new formats for streaming
Playing Field aims to combat these restrictions by expanding the current
paradigm of streaming media through the creation of new streaming
media players and content. By providing a technical background for
art students and established artists, Playing Field is designed to
be literary a playing field for new streaming media formats.
By joining all aspects vital to successful streaming on the Internet
(format generation, content generation, content management, data traffic
and technical development), Playing Field will be an innovative environment
for students and artists. The open player approach combined with unlimited
streaming facilities will be a true investigation of new streaming
formats and communication methods in our modern world.
Anticipated results
By the end of the project we expect to have accomplished the following:
- |
presentations of the artistic content created in the course
of the project by established artists and art students from
three different countries (Work Package 1) |
- |
new generation of new media players especially adapted for artistic
use free available via the Internet (Work Package 1) |
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have realised an open streaming licence document and a technical
support framework to facilitate the realisation of and access
to the national and international open streaming network (Work
Packages 2 and 3) |
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of the work made in de periods in the cultural streaming platform
Central Station (Work Package 3) |
- |
have given an impulse to the new media theory and international
exchange during the Closing Seminar and the presentation of
the work (Work Package 4) |
Approach and methods for successful implementation
Playing Field is divided in four Work Packages and a Management and
Control section:
Work Package 1 is about the creation of artistic content and
new media players.
Work Package 2 is about creating easy access to streaming facilities
for artists and students and provides a platform for the created content
in a cultural context.
Work Package 3 aims to install an International Open Streaming
Network and create an Open Source Streaming Agreement to facilitate
access, lower costs for artists and students and take care of judicial
and other issues.
Work Package 4 is a Closing Seminar to ensure a meaningful
evaluation of the project, to foster international exchange and to
engage in fruitful discussions about the future of (live and on-demand)
Internet Streaming.
Below a short overview of the activities proposed
in these Work Packages.
Work Package 1: Simultaneous working periods
Three periods of two months will be designated to create both artistic
content and media players. Established artists and art students will
be working together in the three participating countries, exploring
possibilities, inventing solutions, exchanging ideas and learning
from each other. A technical team will assist them. The end of each
two-month period will be marked by a presentation of the work in the
form of an exhibition, a CD-ROM, a publication or otherwise. The results
will in any case be made available via the Internet to share with
the partners and other interested parties.
Work Package 2: Creation of a Streaming Platform
Adaptation to Central Station, the cultural streaming server in The
In order for the general public to be able to see everything that
is made, a platform will be created to publish all material on the
Internet. Everything made (artistic content and media players) will
be an integral part of “Central Station”, an initiative of several
Dutch media centres[1]. This initiative is creating cultural streaming
content for the Internet. In order to facilitate access and a schedule
facility for artists and students, an Interface and a Technical Application
need to be written.
Work Package 2 proposes the creation of a Playing Field Interface
to enable streaming of the work created during Working Periods I,
II and III (see Work Package 1) through ‘Central Station’ and the
adaptation of the schedule application Frequency Clock[2] to ‘Central
Work Package 3: Open Streaming Network
Streaming is expensive and Playing Field aims to give students and
artists – in and outside the project – the opportunity to experiment
with it at low cost. Once an end product is created, the artists will
be able to stream it through an open streaming network. The NIM currently
has such a network in operation on a trial basis between organisations
in New York (USA), Amsterdam (The Netherlands) and Adelaide (Australia).
To implement this Network in Europe computer servers (nodes in the
Network) will be installed at the partner organisations. Also an Open
Source Streaming Agreement needs to be created to address the legal
aspects of joining such a network in order to lower the barriers for
interested organisations. Also a technical framework is needed to
assist students / artists using the network.
Playing Field will sponsor the necessary computer servers, the development
of the Agreement and the design of the technical framework.
Work Package 4: Closing Seminar
At the end of the project a Closing Seminar will be held where the
results will be presented together, artists and students of different
countries can meet and the future of live streaming will be addressed
in discussions.
The findings of the project (the results of the Working Periods in
Work Package 1 and of the Closing Seminar) will be published in a
report and on a DVD.
Technical notes
An all-purpose media player that can easily be adapted and changed
in design, interaction and programming will provide the technical
infrastructure necessary during the working periods in Work Package
1. This general player is currently being developed and financed by
the British R a d i o q u a l i a and will be ready before the start
of Playing Field thus allowing more time and money for the creation
of new formats.
All technical tools created during the project will be published on
the Internet for free download and use under an open source licence.
This will enable students and artists not participating in the project
to benefit from the results as well.
NIM: Netherlands Institute of Media Art Montevideo/TBA, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
IMG: Institut für Medien Gestaltung, Mainz, Germany
MECAD \ Media Centre of Art and Design (Fundit Foundation), Barcelona,
XS4ALL, Thuiskopiefonds.
Location, duration and relevant date(s) of project activities
Locations: Amsterdam, Barcelona, Mainz, and the Internet
Duration: June 2002 – June 2003
Dates: |
Meeting Partners: |
September 2002 |
Open Source Streaming Agreement: |
June 2002 |
Period I: |
October – 12 December 2002 |
Period II: |
January – 27 February 2003 |
Period III: |
March – 24 April 2003 |
12 December '02
7 February '03
24 April '03 |
Seminar: |
and 30 May ’03, Amsterdam |
Work package 1: Content and format generation
The activity itself
This work package aims at stimulating artists and students in the
three locations to create new content and media players. It consists
of three two-month periods. During each period three groups – one
group in each city – of artists and students will be invited to invent
and create a new media player and / or content.
The mentioned player will be based on software which is currently
being developed by the British artist group R a d i o q u a l i a.
This software will be ready by the time Playing Field starts and its
development is therefore not part of this application. The player
can be modified to the actual need of the artists and students by
software programmers from the Artlab of the NIM in Amsterdam. A software
programmer will visit Barcelona and Mainz to assist students with
their work. The adapted players will be released to the general public
under an open source licence. The generated artistic content will
be viewable at the end of each two-month working period through the
distribution means described in work package II and III.
- To stimulate artists and art students to experiment with (live)
streaming applications
- To develop new media players tailored to the specific needs of artists
- To generate artistic content for Internet streaming purposes
- To pave the way for future artistic streaming initiatives.
The target group
- Established artists and art students interested in experimenting
with live streaming applications.
Indicative timetable
Working Periods 1, 2 and 3 will take place simultaneously at the partner
institutes in Amsterdam, Mainz and Barcelona following the following
time structure:
Period I: |
October – 12 December 2002 |
  Presentation I: |
December 2002 |
Period II: |
January – 27 February 2003 |
  Presentation II: |
February 2003 |
Period III: |
March – 24 April 2003 |
  Presentation III: |
April 2003 |
Expected results
- Nine presentations of the progress made during the three two-month
working periods
- Formats based on the new media player ready for free distribution
via the Internet
Work package 2: Creation of a Streaming Platform
Adaptation to Central Station, the cultural streaming
server in The Netherlands
The activity itself
In order for artists and art students to show their streaming work
Playing Field proposes to hook up to Central Station, an initiative
of several Dutch media centres[3]. Central Station is an internet
server designated to broadcast streaming content with a cultural perspective
on the Internet.
Two actions need to be taken to connect Playing Field to Central Station:
the creation of an Interface and the adaptation of a schedule application
called Frequency Clock for Central Station. Frequency Clock is an
open source software package, already in existence, which enables
scheduling of on-demand and live content.
- Creation of a Playing Field Interface to enable streaming of the
work created during Working Periods I, II and III (see Work Package
1) through ‘Central Station’
- Adapting the Frequency Clock to ‘Central Station’ to provide a streaming
scheduler for artists
- Streaming the content created in Work Package 1 through Central
The target group
- All users of Central Station, both public and artists
- Artists and students participating in Playing Field
Indicative timetable
design: |
– October 2002 |
Clock adaptation: |
– November 2002 |
broadcast of content: |
2002 |
Expected results
- The creation of a streaming platform and scheduler for artists and
art students
Work package 3: An Open Streaming Network in Europe
Sharing resources and reducing costs
The activity itself
Internet resources are expensive. Playing Field is specifically designed
to give students and artists access to these resources at low cost.
This goal is achieved by combining the resources of different partners
in an International Open Streaming Network[4].
The NIM currently has an Open Streaming Network in operation on a
trial basis between The Netherlands (NIM), the USA (Location 1 in
New York) and Australia (Virtual Artists in Adelaide). To implement
this network in Europe we propose to install a server (a so-called
"node" in the network) with the partners in Spain and Germany.
To make the network fully operational the following steps need to
be taken first:
- |
Open Source Streaming Agreement (OSSA) will be created to take
care of practical and judicial issues. A draft version of this
agreement is already in existence, but it needs a lot of work
to be ready for implementation in the international Internet
community. This agreement will describe the responsibilities
of node operators but also the procedures if questionable content
is presented to the network. The idea of sharing resources can
be applied in a general context and the agreement will also
be presented to the Internet community as a proposal[5]. Several
organisations have already shown interest in the development
of an OSSA and are willing to contribute money and time to the
process: the Dutch internet provider XS4ALL and the New York-based
Location 1. Playing Field will sponsor the further development
and implementation, making sure European and international laws
are being obliged.
- |
Field will also develop a technical tool necessary to implement
the Open Source Streaming Agreement, giving students and artists
access to these resources. The network will be created so that
students and artists can book encoding and / or relaying time
on the server network. This will give an interesting communication
platform where people can see each other’s work and even have
to work together. |
- Writing of an Open Streaming Agreement
- Technical implementation of the Open Streaming Agreement
The target group
- Organisations interested in joining the Open Streaming Network
- Students and artists using the network
- Platform of Audio Visual art academy departments in the Netherlands.
Indicative timetable
Source Streaming Agreement: |
15-30 June 2002 |
check: |
November 2002 |
of technical tools: |
November-15 December 2002 |
Expected results
- Lower barrier for organisations to join the Open Streaming Network
- Lower (cost) barrier for art students to do streaming projects
- Lower costs for users of the Network
- Enhanced speed and quality of streaming output
- Combining efforts of art students
Work package 4: Closing Seminar
Presentation, information and publication
The activity itself
In order to evaluate, discuss the future, exchange artistic ideas
and exhibit the developed formats and content, the project will be
concluded with the Playing Field Closing Seminar and Exhibition. This
two-day seminar will be held at the NIM in Amsterdam for about 50
people, including of course the artists and students who worked during
Working Package I and the heads of the institutes. International Internet
Streaming experts will be invited to intervene. A DVD and a publication
will be produced to document and publish the project and its findings
afterwards. Of course the work made during Working Package I will
be on exhibit.
- To ensure a meaningful evaluation of the project
- To facilitate discussion and international exchange
- To promote the findings of Playing Field to the artistic and technical
The target group
- Artists and students participating in Playing Field
- Professionals working in the field of internet streaming
- Scholars interested in discussing the future of streaming
Indicative timetable
The Closing Seminar will be held on 29 and 30 May 2003 at the NIM
in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Expected results
- To have given an impulse to the new media theory and the artistic
use of technical applications
- An increase of the awareness of the results of the project among
artists, students, professionals and scholars.
Management and Control
The activity itself
A project manager will be appointed to co-ordinate all actions. This
person will also be responsible for the communication between partners
and to the outside world, for time management and for the final project
report. The project manager will be based at the NIM in Amsterdam.
Most communication will be done via email and telephone, however one
preparatory Partner meeting is necessary. The project manager and
(a delegation of ) the three partner organisations will be present.
- To prepare the details of the project actions and ensure a smooth
running between all participants
- To manage and co-ordinate the project in a professional way.
The target group
- All project organisers and participants
Indicative Timetable
Preparatory meeting 1 September 2002
Project manager 1 August 2002-30 June 2003 2 days a week
Expected Results
- A smooth running project.
[1] Society of Old and New Media - Amsterdam, V2 - Rotterdam, De Balie
- Amsterdam, Paradiso - Amsterdam, Submarine - Amsterdam, Surfnet
/ Gigapoort - the Dutch university backbone (Internet2) and the Dutch
Media Art Institute/Montevideo - Amsterdam
[2] Frequency Clock is an open source software package, already in
existence, which enables scheduling of on-demand and live content.
[3] Paradiso (Amsterdam), De Balie (Amsterdam), Institute for Old
and New Media (De Waag, Amsterdam), STEIM (Amsterdam), V2 (Rotterdam),
Submarine (Amsterdam)
[4] The network works as follows: a student / artist will send a data
stream to a local server, which is relatively inexpensive. The network
will then distribute this stream to the international participants
("nodes"), who take care of the streaming costs, for example by finding
a sponsorship with a local ISP (Internet Service Provider). The streaming
network is open; any university or media centre could participate
and add a node to the network. The expensive international data traffic
will thus be minimised and will not be paid for by the student or
artist. The more nodes join the network, the lower the cost and the
better the quality of the stream becomes.
[5] The proposal will be presented as an RFC (Request For Comment)
to the W3 consortium, which is responsible for the open internet standards.