audio/video © Peter Mertens,
MAX/Jitter application © Brecht Debackere
Beta 2
Keys: arrows left/right : previous/next movie
escape : quit fullscreen
'r' : resets the movie to its original colors
'f' : flow
Mouse:after clicking : brightness & contrast
after second click : hue-angle (color)
after third click : lock
Next click restarts the cycle.
UNKNOWN CRASHING FROM TIME TO TIME AT STARTUP: apple-alt-esc' to quit and try again... :(
(help!) will fix...
How it works
From the 32 movies made by Peter Mertens, i've selected 22 which I pasted under each other in an array of qt-movies. (Did that in after-effects.) The project was rendered without sound. The audio of the 22 movies was compressed to mp3, and added to the movie using QT-player pro. All audiotracks except the first were then disabled. The Jitter patch reads this movie, takes the specific coordinates of the selected movie from the array and displays it fullscreen. The running audiotrack is disabled and the one of the new movie is activated. Controlling the brightness contrast and hue is relative. This means that it is not dependent on the position of the mouse, but on the movement of the mouse up, down, left or right.
A counter is activated everytime the mouse is moved. There are different counters for each controllable parameter. When the mouse is clicked, the counter is deactivated, and when the cycle is complete, it continues where it left off. The flow function takes a screenshot of the movie at the moment the 'f'-key is pressed. That screenshot is spatially distorted.
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Creative Commons